

Artist Bio

Acquille Dunkley is a Jamaican artist, currently living in Los Angeles, California. He found his passion for the arts around the age of 15 and has been creating ever since. He migrated to Palm Beach County, Florida, from Jamaica when he was 16, and soon after graduating high school, he was selected to represent America in the first Adobe Certified Associate World Championship in Photoshop - where he placed in the top 20 of the world. 

Shortly after, he moved to Atlanta, Georgia, to pursue a BFA degree at The Savannah College of Art and Design, where he discovered his love for lighting and photography. While in college, A.Dunkley taught himself digital 3D art, while managing a local art gallery part time. During his Sophomore year, he became the photo editor for SCAD's quarterly student magazine and online newspaper. In his senior year, he became the student fashion photographer. 

After graduating, he received an offer to work in the movie industry in Los Angeles as a motion graphic designer. Since then, he has worked on projects for ABC, Disney, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Fox Sports and Apple Tv - just to name a few. 

