Beatriz Aparecida Castro Moreira


Beatriz Moreira is an 19 years old Brazilian visual artist and student. Mainly focused on film photography and illustration, Beatriz is an emerging and self taught artist, who’s now studying for entrance exams at a local university. Expresses herself and the world through her artistic look and plans to build a career in the field. 


Instagram: @biarrisca

Artist Statement

My artistic trajectory began with poetry, as a way of translating my feelings, but soon evolved into visual media, mixing techniques and varying perceptions. I feel art as a refuge and a necessity like I would suffocate if I was forbidden from doing it. Based on experiences and studies, I came to increasingly see art as a powerful tool for social and personal transformation. I use to say that I care about the photographic moments of things, by which I mean the poetic and real living moments. I like to bring the moments in every possible way, in order to make the visual experience more than just an image on a screen.